If you are anything like me, I hold on to stuff “just in case”.
Or, you may hold on to stuff “because you never know”.
Because you paid for it. Because HE or SHE gave it to you. Because you don’t know if you’ll get something that nice again. Because your momma always holds on to stuff. Because someone else might need it. Because one day, when you have a car that runs well, and a Sunday off, and someone to help you, you are going to drop all of it off at the Salvation Army.
Whatever the case may be, all of these are…YUP… you guessed it…REEEEEEEEASONS. Nothing but REEEEEEASONS! And these reasons come from a place of lack.
If you really thought about it, you couldn’t possibly be fully present to all of the abundance around you if you are holding on to stuff you don’t love.. You and I both know that some of your stuff is raggedy! Yes, I said RAGGEDY! Those beat-up sneakers, those pants that don’t represent your current style or the woman you have been evolving into.
However, you wouldn’t think about getting rid of your stuff and you even get offended when someone makes a suggestion.
Well I want you to think about what it costs to hold on to this “stuff” of yours.
For example:
It’s taking up closest and dresser space that could be used to house stuff you REALLY love, not just like. It’s taking up space on your phone because you already know you are never going to call THAT person again anyway. It is taking up some of your energy space because when you see it or her or him, you start to feel heavy because you already know its time to let go. Your creativity is stifled because there is no room for anything to flow through and to you. You put off buying new things you like because you already feel too cluttered in your space so where would it go. It’s like you’re stacking bricks on top of bricks, wondering why people don’t understand or get you.
Want to know why?
It’s all that stuff. It literally creates a maze they have to navigate to get to you. But they can’t access you so they can’t understand you. It’s exhausting for others so it must be really exhausting for you.
So, because I like you and I don’t want to leave you hanging in the weightiness of “your stuff”, below are 3 ways to purge things in less than 3 minutes so you can welcome in the abundance that is your birthright!
Okay, first step: get a timer (your phone probably has one) and for each secret below, set the timer for 3 minutes.
Secret #1: If you don’t LOVE IT, LOSE IT.
Clean out a drawer or a portion of your closet and, yup, if you don’t LOVE IT, LOSE IT. If it’s clothes, put it in a bag and drop it off at a charity of your choice or sell it. If you do not drop it off within 7 days, THROW IT AWAY. If you don’t toss it within 7 days, you can guarantee that it is going to take a long time for you to get rid of that stuff for good!
Secret #2: Delete the Negative Nancys & Nates.
You already know who these people are. They are the ones that every time you speak to them you feel emotionally, and sometimes physically, drained. You feel like you need a nap or a vacation. Yes, THEM. Delete them from your phone and don’t think twice about it.
Secret #3: Buy something you love and toss something you hate.
Every time you buy something you love, discard 2 things that you don’t love so that you can continue to make room for the things you love.
Okay, so what are you going to do? Do it and then email me to share what you did and how ya feel!
When you are embodying self-love and self-care, you boldly give yourself permission to let go so you can hear, feel and experience the blessings that surround you everyday.
And remember….you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want!
Akua Soadwa
....Want to find out what it's going to take for you to let go of what you are holding on to? Let's Chat!