Thursday, July 11, 2013

If you are a Dove, why do you keep acting like a Chicken!?

Usually when you hear the word “dove” it is connected to peace, beauty and purity. It is love in its purest form.

But when you think of a chicken (literally and figuratively), it can be annoying, pest-like, unable to stand on its own two feet and definitely not pure or clean.

Back to you…....

Sometimes you may notice that you do some “chicken-like” stuff.

Let me explain myself.

You know that you probably shouldn’t continue messing with or sleeping with that person. You know that THAT food is going to make you wish you never ate it in the first place. You know that you shouldn’t take that job because it is in direct conflict with your values. You know you shouldn’t continue being friends with that person because s/he is too negative. You know that if you don’t get support it can get worse before it gets better.

Yet, you continue to disregard what your spirit is telling you. You act out of fear because you don’t believe things will actually turn out for you. You don’t believe that you are worthy of things working out. You don’t believe you are supported. You actually don’t believe that you are in fact a DOVE who’s wings just got a little stuck.

That’s all that happened. Your wings got stuck and you need a little support to wiggle you out.

If you truly thought you were a DOVE, you would act accordingly and trust that your wings will follow shortly after.

So, do you think that you are a DOVE, or are you a chicken willing to settle for scraps because at least you got something?

It is your choice and your choice only.
So choose with open eyes and act accordingly.

In love,
Akua Soadwa
....when you are ready to DO something about your chicken-like mojo - holla at your girl. I am here...always have been.

And are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When Prioritizing Goes sooooo Wrong

A few weeks ago, Let’s Pursue You was leading a Self-Love Home Invasion for a group of 8 sister-friends.

They were “going in” as we performed self-love surgery (not real surgery of course) and they were digging deeper and deeper until they started to discover their real truths about self-love. They started to see that while they had their ideal vision of how they wanted to embody and practice self-love, what they allowed to run the show were all of their reasons, justifications and negative chatter that talked them out of doing the things that actually restored them, made them happy and filled them up.

Some have even stopped allowing themselves to dream because what’s the point, and others have allowed concerns, self-doubt, money and other reasons that you can probably relate to, get in the way of them having a life they love.

I am clear that there are a lot of us that are walking around, allowing “other priorities” to get in the way of us having the life that we love. But I want you know that we DESERVE to have the life that we love. We are WORTHY of having the life that we love.

If we truly grasped how amazing we are, we would see this. We would honor this. We would give ourselves PERMISSION to ONLY LIVE A LIFE THAT WE LOVE.

Is there something that you really want to do, or that you really want to create, or that you really want to have, but you have allowed other things to get in the way?

What is that thing?

Are you sick of putting it off?
Are you ready to live YOUR life?
Are you ready to shift some things?
Are you ready for something new?
Are you ready to live a life that you LOVE?

What are you waiting for?

Let me guess, only after that other thing is taken care of, can you really do what you want to right?

OK. No worries. It’s all a choice, just remember that you have everything to say about what you do now, what you do next and what you do later. YOU get to prioritize your life, no one else.

With a lil’ dose of self-love, you will begin to see what I see so clearly – that you are WORTHY of having the life you love. We all are.

So, if you were loving yourself to the fullest right now, what would you do? What would you actually be prioritizing right now and what would you boldly let go of?

In Love,
Akua Soadwa

P.S. Don’t think you have to do this alone. I am here. I have always been here. Let’s talk about how I can support you! And if you participate in the "I Matter Coaching Program" before August 2013, there is an early bird rate so DO get in action and don’t delay….you and I both know what happens when you delay! (I’m just saying). Click here to schedule a time to speak!

Monday, July 1, 2013

I have been without a man for too dayum long!

Yeah, I am letting you into alllll of my business!

When I realized how long it had been, at first it pissed me off and then it made me sad – way more than I would care to admit, and then I felt lonely.
It has been 4 years and 7 months.
4 years and 7 months of not being able to share all of my love, energy and intimacy with a man. 4 years and 7 months of not being able to build and grow with a companion by my side. 4 years and 7 months of not having a man to come home to, to cuddle with, to share my day with.

4 years and 7 months.

When I really started admitting to myself that it had been 4 years and 7 months, rather than “about” 4 years, I was able to see things more clearly and I want to share 3 of the many lessons I learned with you.

First – Get clear on the facts and stay in reality.
I never wanted to calculate the amount of time I was actually single for because that made things too real for me. I liked living in a world of “estimates” and “approximations” rather than “reality.” But all there is, is reality. And there is no tomorrow until tomorrow comes, and then it is now – then it is reality. So if I can’t deal with reality, I can’t be in any relationship, let alone a romantic one.

Once I was clear about my reality, once I stopped resisting my reality, I was able to see various ways to address it so that I could create a new reality.

So what is something you are resisting and have been unwilling to get clear on the facts about?

Either way you look at it, at some point you are going to have to deal with reality, however the longer you wait the more you will have to lose, so why not do it when you have less to lose?

Second – We choose our reality and we have to deal with it like an adult.
I had it that the reason why I have been single is because it “just isn’t my time”, or because “I have other things that God, Universe, etc. want me to take care of.”  Now don’t get me wrong, I DO BELIEVE and AFFIRM THIS. However, I was using this as my excuse so I didn’t have to take responsibility for the fact that I just haven’t been intentional about this area of my life. I haven’t prioritized a romantic relationship. All of the things that I have chosen to be intentional about has turned into something extraordinary. EXXXXXTRA ORDINARY I say!

I hadn’t chosen to be in a relationship for 4 years and 7 months.

I have recently chosen to be intentional about being in a relationship that is in direct alignment with my values and commitment. (So if you know anyone…….hollllla…I’m just saying).

Whether it be about getting on the court with regards to relationships, or with regards to something else, choose something fully rather than straddling the fence. Straddling the fence has the tendency to make you think that you don’t have to take full responsibility for how things turn out, but its quite the opposite. Whether consciously or unconsciously, you are choosing something and you have to deal with your reality, and your reality is a clear indicator of what you have chosen.

So whatever you do, just CHOOSE with a conscious mind and heart.

Third – During the course of being “without a man”, or “without” something, you have been able to be with and deal with yourself. 
I took time out to actually acknowledge all of the personal work I have been able to do with myself during the course of the past 4 years and 7 months and I was actually moved to tears. I realized that we often get caught up in what we don’t have and we lose sight of all that we do have, all that we have created. I encourage you to take stock of all of the things that you have been able to create, even in the midst of being without something. Pay gratitude to your life because something has worked – you just need to be reminded of it.

These are only 3 of the MANY lessons I have learned during my 4 years and 7 months of choosing not to be in a relationship.

What lessons have you learned during your time of being without something? Do share with me below!

In love,
:) Akua Soadwa
…you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

3 Secrets & 3 mins to Purge the ish out of your Life!

If you are anything like me, I hold on to stuff “just in case”.

Or, you may hold on to stuff “because you never know”.

Because you paid for it. Because HE or SHE gave it to you. Because you don’t know if you’ll get something that nice again. Because your momma always holds on to stuff. Because someone else might need it. Because one day, when you have a car that runs well, and a Sunday off, and someone to help you, you are going to drop all of it off at the Salvation Army.

Whatever the case may be, all of these are…YUP… you guessed it…REEEEEEEEASONS. Nothing but REEEEEEASONS! And these reasons come from a place of lack.

If you really thought about it, you couldn’t possibly be fully present to all of the abundance around you if you are holding on to stuff you don’t love.. You and I both know that some of your stuff is raggedy! Yes, I said RAGGEDY! Those beat-up sneakers, those pants that don’t represent your current style or the woman you have been evolving into.

However, you wouldn’t think about getting rid of your stuff and you even get offended when someone makes a suggestion.

Well I want you to think about what it costs to hold on to this “stuff” of yours.

For example:

It’s taking up closest and dresser space that could be used to house stuff you REALLY love, not just like. It’s taking up space on your phone because you already know you are never going to call THAT person again anyway. It is taking up some of your energy space because when you see it or her or him, you start to feel heavy because you already know its time to let go. Your creativity is stifled because there is no room for anything to flow through and to you. You put off buying new things you like because you already feel too cluttered in your space so where would it go.  It’s like you’re stacking bricks on top of bricks, wondering why people don’t understand or get you.

Want to know why?

It’s all that stuff. It literally creates a maze they have to navigate to get to you. But they can’t access you so they can’t understand you. It’s exhausting for others so it must be really exhausting for you.

So, because I like you and I don’t want to leave you hanging in the weightiness of “your stuff”, below are 3 ways to purge things in less than 3 minutes so you can welcome in the abundance that is your birthright!

Okay, first step: get a timer (your phone probably has one) and for each secret below, set the timer for 3 minutes.

Secret #1: If you don’t LOVE IT, LOSE IT. 
Clean out a drawer or a portion of your closet and, yup, if you don’t LOVE IT, LOSE IT. If it’s clothes, put it in a bag and drop it off at a charity of your choice or sell it. If you do not drop it off within 7 days, THROW IT AWAY. If you don’t toss it within 7 days, you can guarantee that it is going to take a long time for you to get rid of that stuff for good!

Secret #2: Delete the Negative Nancys & Nates. 
You already know who these people are. They are the ones that every time you speak to them you feel emotionally, and sometimes physically, drained. You feel like you need a nap or a vacation. Yes, THEM. Delete them from your phone and don’t think twice about it.

Secret #3: Buy something you love and toss something you hate.
Every time you buy something you love, discard 2 things that you don’t love so that you can continue to make room for the things you love.

Okay, so what are you going to do? Do it and then email me to share what you did and how ya feel!

When you are embodying self-love and self-care, you boldly give yourself permission to let go so you can hear, feel and experience the blessings that surround you everyday.

And remember….you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want!

In Love,
Akua Soadwa
....Want to find out what it's going to take for you to let go of what you are holding on to? Let's Chat!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The cute girl who wore a mask.

Have you ever met someone who you thought was sooooo amazing? I mean you thought he or she was the best thing since sliced bread. You always wondered – what is it about this person that makes her so fabulous? Is it her fly outfit? Her elegant and well put together hair style? Her ability to smile and have everyone in the room light up and say yes to any request she asked?

Have you ever met someone like this?

Well I definitely have, and I have definitely been this person also. However the way it looked on the outside was not actually what she thought about herself on the inside. In fact, she didn’t inspire herself the way she inspired others. She didn’t quite understand why everyone was so interested in her. She wasn’t that interested in herself.

During the course of my work I have met many women who project one thing to the outer world, but internally they are secretly dealing with their own fears and doubts about themselves.  And at some point they can’t take it anymore and they lash out at those closest to them or they even take it out on themselves with words of abuse, or they do something to physically harm themselves. As a result, they may eventually isolate themselves from others, or find themselves feeling alone.

No one should feel alone.

I say – that it is time for people to take off their masks and deal with what is really going on. So I challenge you to take off your mask today, and start dealing with what there is for you to deal with.

A true act of self-love, is loving yourself enough to tell the truth and get support in the areas where you haven’t been able to get the results you desire. 

Move in truth today.

In love,
Akua Soadwa

If you are ready to deal with your mask – reach out to me and let’s have a conversation about it!!contact/c1d94

The Loser who Challenged My Insecurities

There I was, minding my own business on a beautiful and sunny day in NYC. I looked GOOD. I mean GOOOOOD child, and I felt good too. I was smiling because I was so excited that the weather finally broke and that the sun was shining.

To top this off, I was getting compliments alllll day from the young to the old, and from nearly every race. I was radiating my gratitude for life and for the sun’s ability to breathe a different kind of life to and through me. I also knew I was glowing because I was regularly cleansing from bad foods and cleansing has the ability to show the work you have been doing on the inside, to the outside world. I was on cloud 9, or better yet on cloud 100 if there is such a thing! 

Then, the loser appeared. (They always do).

I walked by a man and his friend and he said something I hadn’t heard in years – “hey, make a muscle”, and they start to laugh uncontrollably. 

Everything in me dropped.

I hadn’t felt that humiliated and insecure about my muscular physique since I was in high school. But those feelings crept up so quickly it was like they were never really healed. 

In moments like this anger typically arises for most people, and this anger has us act outside of ourselves. Regardless of how much work I have been doing, I am no exception to the rule. And to be honest, my first thought was – “f-you, eat a salad”. And I meant every word of it in that moment.

It took me a whole hour to come down from my anger and let go of my justification for why my comment was appropriate. When I finally let go of being justified, I saw something really amazing.

I saw how quickly I allow one loser’s drop of sh*t into my ocean of love, happiness and support, ruin my day and have me act outside of myself. In a matter of seconds I went back to feeling insecure and I forgot about all of the work I have been doing on myself. 

We cannot let others insecurities become our own. Regardless of how we may feel sometimes, we have done a lot of work on ourselves, so don’t let a loser steal your shine!

:) Akua Soadwa
Remember, you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want.
So Let's talk......!contact/c1d94 

Friday, May 31, 2013

You are Moving, Stop trying to Convince Yourself that You Aren't

A Self-Love Bite: 
"Although in the moment it may feel like you aren't moving fast enough, or as though you aren't getting the results you think you should be getting, you are actually moving faster than you think, while producing miracles. It's just not visible to the human eye" 
~ Akua Soadwa

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Are you Eating to Live or Survive

“When you say yes to something that you think is beyond your reach, you must still yourself and allow the divine within you to arise so that it can guide you through the journey. The "you" you've always associated yourself with is no longer required for this journey.” ~ Akua Soadwa 

I always thought that potato chips, Sour Patch Kids, Flaming Hots (the crunchy ones), salt and vinegar chips and all things JUNK and CRUNCHY were my saving grace. 
They comforted me when I felt inadequate or fearful. 
They nourished me when I felt empty and alone.
They really made me feel WHOLE again.
Well at least for the 5 minutes it took me to devour them, then, it was business as usual. I felt inadequate again. Fearful again. Empty and alone again. Half-baked.
But I finally did it – I finally chose to do something different.

First it started with a 14-day juice cleanse which showed me how I can go without junk food, but more importantly, it required me to deal with the things that the junk food or “comfort” food had me running away from: feelings of loneliness, fears, inadequacies, fear of having “that” conversation, doubts about my potential, and the list goes on.

During my juice cleanse I couldn’t run anymore. I had to deal with it – head on. It was an amazingly refreshing opportunity and I HIGHLY encourage YOU to do a version of your own. (For guidance, reach out to Peta-Gaye Williams, Wellness Warrior,; or Pearl Batista at Pearl Wellness Detox Center). 

But I never thought I could do it. I never thought I could do a day let alone 14 days without my comfort foods. 
The old me could not have done it.
Let me repeat that: THE OLD ME COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT.
It required the NEW me to step in and step up. 
I did it.
As a result, I have become extremely interested in maintaining a different diet. A diet that created clarity in my mind, body and spirit – not one that adds to the clutter and confusion of it (which is typically what “comfort” foods do). 

The sole purpose of “comfort” foods is to comfort you, to pad you up (literally) so you can “ignore” what you really need to deal with. But if you are anything like me, that THING always comes back – regardless – until you finally lay it to rest.

So in dealing with the feelings of inadequacy, fear, etc. I realized that my body needs more raw foods to allow me to operate at my highest potential. (By raw I mean, no processed or cooked foods).

I tried convincing myself that this wasn’t the case and I tried to eat some of my comfort foods again. My body was NOT feeling this choice of mine and it certainly let me know!  From feeling creatively blocked, to gas and indigestion “no-thank-you’s” – I realized that I couldn’t fight it anymore.  So for the past 20+ days I have chosen to eat raw four times a week and cooked food 3 times a week until the divine within me guides me otherwise. 

I am feeling more alive and more connected than ever before.  I see opportunities as opportunities rather than as an additional burden – or as more stuff to do. 

However, in order to get here, I had to consciously choose my well-being over my child-like desires and wants for comfort. (Now don’t get me wrong – a lil comfort is OK – hence my 3 days of eating what I choose – within reason). 

The "me" I've always associated myself with was no longer required for my health and well-being journey. I needed an upgrade, so I gave myself one.


As we focus on shedding the old and embracing the new this month, I want you to answer four questions:

1. What have you said yes to recently because you saw a major opportunity for yourself, but that you are now doubting? Be still with yourself for 10 minutes (set the timer) and go inward to allow the divine within you to guide you. If doubt emerges, thank it and ask for your higher self to join you again and repeat this exercise for 10 minutes.
2. What dietary responsibilities have you been compromising because of your desires for comfort?
3. How have these choice(s) impacted you? (Be real with yourself). 
4. What is 1 new habit and 1 new action you are going to take to restore the integrity of your health and well-being?

Upgrade yourself and complete this Self-Love Inventory and be open to the extraordinary opportunities coming your way. 

Remember that you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want! 
Go forward and have that conversation - take that action!


Ready to love your life a lil’ more? Or ready to love your life period? Schedule your complimentary session with me and get a breakthrough in productivity and in making time for YOU.  Schedule yourself today! ( 


At Let's Pursue You we are committed to helping women who are struggling with putting themselves first embrace the power of “HELL NO” so they can create the lives they love. Let’s Pursue You creates spaces that provide people with an opportunity to articulate what “pursuing them” really looks like and we provide clear action plans and accountability to support them with making it happen. If you want to get something done, Let’s Pursue You will support you in making it happen!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Out with the Old | In with the New

How many of you are tired of yo-yoing back and forth between loving the old you and wanting something to shift or change about the old you? 

Well the theme for this month is “Shed the Old You and Embrace the New You!
Please read on for more information.

…and remember, you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want!

“To create at my optimal level, I will be called to forgo that which has served me in the past, to fully embrace that which will serve me today.” ~ Akua Soadwa 

It was September 2011. I was doing a regular run/walk around Prospect Park in Brooklyn, New York. Although I am a runner, well let me be more specific, a sprinter, I never jogged the entire length of the park (3+ miles) without stopping.  It was always a quick sprint then I would stop. Another quick sprint, then I would stop again. Although I would go the distance and get around the entire park, my endurance was questionable because I ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS stopped when I got to a hill or to a “difficult” part of the route. 
So as I approached “the death hill” that I hated running up, I figured I would do what I ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS did – stop. But for some reason, on this particular day I wasn’t intimidated by the hill. For the first time I saw it as an opportunity to challenge myself.  For the first time I realized that what I ALWAYS did was no longer an option – I saw something more interesting – an opportunity to experience the same hill differently. 
So I found a great balance between pacing and sprinting and made my way all the way to the top of the hill. I wasn’t as tired as I thought I was going to be. I was more ecstatic that I actually did it!
I did it. 
However I would not have been able to experience that had I continued to do what I normally did. And as I completed the hill, I thought to myself – I need more of a physical challenge like this in my life right now. Within 48 hours I decided to do my first half marathon – and I trained for it in 6 weeks. Typically people take 10 weeks or longer to train for an intense race like the half-marathon. I did it in 6 weeks.
I needed to know that I could experience myself as something other than the way I had already seen myself. I needed to experience myself as extra-ordinary. So I did something extraordinary – signed up for a half-marathon having never run longer than a mile without stopping. And as a result, my creativity was heightened and I gained a newfound appreciation for my physical vessel and for my deep connectedness to spirit, God, people and the world.  
But in order for me to get there, I had to get real - REAL with myself.  I had to admit that it was time for something different, even though I didn’t know what it was going to entail. I had to admit that what I did yesterday wasn’t enough in that moment. I had to do a self-inventory. The self-inventory allowed for a new and extra-ordinary opportunity to emerge on a seemingly ordinary day. 
As we focus on shedding the old and embracing the new this month, I want you to do three things:
If you were to do your own self-inventory right now:
1. What are some relationships, habits, etc. that have served you in your past but no longer serve you today? 
2. What do you need to forgo, but you have been resisting? 
3. What ordinary things have you been tolerating?

Answer these questions and take 1 action in each of these areas to allow for an extra-ordinary opportunity to present itself - then share it with me!

Remember that you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want! 
Go forward and have that conversation - take that action!

Thank you!
Akua Soadwa
Let’s Pursue You 

Schedule A Complimentary “I Love My Life” Breakthrough Session
Ready to all in love with your life a lil’ more? Or ready to love your life period? Schedule your complimentary session with me and get a breakthrough in productivity and in making time for YOU. I will help you create a simple action-plan!

Schedule yourself today by emailing me at or call me at 347-560-1442

Friday, May 17, 2013

Let IT Go Already!

How many of you are tired of yo-yoing back and forth between loving the old you and wanting something to shift or change about the old you?

Well the theme for this month is “Shed the Old You and Embrace the New You!”

As always please provide your feedback and comments to be via email ( and/or on my Facebook page! 


Reflection for the Week
“To create at my optimal level, I will be called to forgo that which has served me in the past, to fully embrace that which will serve me today.” ~ Akua Soadwa

It was September 2011. I was doing a regular run/walk around Prospect Park in Brooklyn, New York. Although I am a runner, well let me be more specific, a sprinter, I never jogged the entire length of the park (3+ miles) without stopping.  It was always a quick sprint then I would stop. Another quick sprint, then I would stop again. Although I would go the distance and get around the entire park, my endurance was questionable because I ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS stopped when I got to a hill or to a “difficult” part of the route.

So as I approached “the death hill” that I hated running up, I figured I would do what I ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS did – stop. But for some reason, on this particular day I wasn’t intimidated by the hill. For the first time I saw it as an opportunity to challenge myself.  For the first time I realized that what I ALWAYS did was no longer an option – I saw something more interesting – an opportunity to experience the same hill differently.

So I found a great balance between pacing and sprinting and made my way all the way to the top of the hill. I wasn’t as tired as I thought I was going to be. I was more ecstatic that I actually did it!

I did it.

However I would not have been able to experience that had I continued to do what I normally did. And as I completed the hill, I thought to myself – I need more of a physical challenge like this in my life right now. Within 48 hours I decided to do my first half marathon – and I trained for it in 6 weeks. Typically people take 10 weeks or longer to train for an intense race like the half-marathon. I did it in 6 weeks.

I needed to know that I could experience myself as something other than the way I had already seen myself. I needed to experience myself as extra-ordinary. So I did something extraordinary – signed up for a half-marathon having never run longer than a mile without stopping. And as a result, my creativity was heightened and I gained a newfound appreciation for my physical vessel and for my deep connectedness to spirit, God, people and the world. 

But in order for me to get there, I had to get real - REAL with myself.  I had to admit that it was time for something different, even though I didn’t know what it was going to entail. I had to admit that what I did yesterday wasn’t enough in that moment. I had to do a self-inventory. The self-inventory allowed for a new and extra-ordinary opportunity to emerge on a seemingly ordinary day.

Get into Action
Time for YOUR Self-Inventory
If you were to do your own self-inventory right now:

  1. What are some relationships, habits, etc. that have served you in your past but no longer serve you today?
  2. What do you need to forgo, but you have been resisting?
  3. What ordinary things have you been tolerating?

Answer these questions and take 1 action in each of these areas to allow for an extra-ordinary opportunity to present itself.

Remember that you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want!

:) Akua

About Let’s Pursue You
At Let's Pursue You we are committed to helping women who are struggling with putting themselves first, embrace the power of “HELL NO” so they can create the lives they love.

Let’s Pursue You creates spaces that provide people with an opportunity to articulate what “pursuing them” really looks like and we provide clear action plans and accountability to support them with making it happen.

Schedule A Complimentary “I Love My Life” Breakthrough Session
Tired of not being in love with your life the way you want to? Overwhelmed with life and have limited or no time to do things that you care about? Ready to love your life a lil’ more? Or ready to love your life period? Schedule your complimentary session with me and get a breakthrough in productivity and in making time for YOU.

Schedule yourself today! Schedule a Session!