Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Are you Eating to Live or Survive

“When you say yes to something that you think is beyond your reach, you must still yourself and allow the divine within you to arise so that it can guide you through the journey. The "you" you've always associated yourself with is no longer required for this journey.” ~ Akua Soadwa 

I always thought that potato chips, Sour Patch Kids, Flaming Hots (the crunchy ones), salt and vinegar chips and all things JUNK and CRUNCHY were my saving grace. 
They comforted me when I felt inadequate or fearful. 
They nourished me when I felt empty and alone.
They really made me feel WHOLE again.
Well at least for the 5 minutes it took me to devour them, then, it was business as usual. I felt inadequate again. Fearful again. Empty and alone again. Half-baked.
But I finally did it – I finally chose to do something different.

First it started with a 14-day juice cleanse which showed me how I can go without junk food, but more importantly, it required me to deal with the things that the junk food or “comfort” food had me running away from: feelings of loneliness, fears, inadequacies, fear of having “that” conversation, doubts about my potential, and the list goes on.

During my juice cleanse I couldn’t run anymore. I had to deal with it – head on. It was an amazingly refreshing opportunity and I HIGHLY encourage YOU to do a version of your own. (For guidance, reach out to Peta-Gaye Williams, Wellness Warrior,; or Pearl Batista at Pearl Wellness Detox Center). 

But I never thought I could do it. I never thought I could do a day let alone 14 days without my comfort foods. 
The old me could not have done it.
Let me repeat that: THE OLD ME COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT.
It required the NEW me to step in and step up. 
I did it.
As a result, I have become extremely interested in maintaining a different diet. A diet that created clarity in my mind, body and spirit – not one that adds to the clutter and confusion of it (which is typically what “comfort” foods do). 

The sole purpose of “comfort” foods is to comfort you, to pad you up (literally) so you can “ignore” what you really need to deal with. But if you are anything like me, that THING always comes back – regardless – until you finally lay it to rest.

So in dealing with the feelings of inadequacy, fear, etc. I realized that my body needs more raw foods to allow me to operate at my highest potential. (By raw I mean, no processed or cooked foods).

I tried convincing myself that this wasn’t the case and I tried to eat some of my comfort foods again. My body was NOT feeling this choice of mine and it certainly let me know!  From feeling creatively blocked, to gas and indigestion “no-thank-you’s” – I realized that I couldn’t fight it anymore.  So for the past 20+ days I have chosen to eat raw four times a week and cooked food 3 times a week until the divine within me guides me otherwise. 

I am feeling more alive and more connected than ever before.  I see opportunities as opportunities rather than as an additional burden – or as more stuff to do. 

However, in order to get here, I had to consciously choose my well-being over my child-like desires and wants for comfort. (Now don’t get me wrong – a lil comfort is OK – hence my 3 days of eating what I choose – within reason). 

The "me" I've always associated myself with was no longer required for my health and well-being journey. I needed an upgrade, so I gave myself one.


As we focus on shedding the old and embracing the new this month, I want you to answer four questions:

1. What have you said yes to recently because you saw a major opportunity for yourself, but that you are now doubting? Be still with yourself for 10 minutes (set the timer) and go inward to allow the divine within you to guide you. If doubt emerges, thank it and ask for your higher self to join you again and repeat this exercise for 10 minutes.
2. What dietary responsibilities have you been compromising because of your desires for comfort?
3. How have these choice(s) impacted you? (Be real with yourself). 
4. What is 1 new habit and 1 new action you are going to take to restore the integrity of your health and well-being?

Upgrade yourself and complete this Self-Love Inventory and be open to the extraordinary opportunities coming your way. 

Remember that you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want! 
Go forward and have that conversation - take that action!


Ready to love your life a lil’ more? Or ready to love your life period? Schedule your complimentary session with me and get a breakthrough in productivity and in making time for YOU.  Schedule yourself today! ( 


At Let's Pursue You we are committed to helping women who are struggling with putting themselves first embrace the power of “HELL NO” so they can create the lives they love. Let’s Pursue You creates spaces that provide people with an opportunity to articulate what “pursuing them” really looks like and we provide clear action plans and accountability to support them with making it happen. If you want to get something done, Let’s Pursue You will support you in making it happen!


  1. This is an excellent post. I didn't try juicing, but I did partial fasting for three days and had an amazing breakthrough.

  2. Thank you so much! I am glad you found the post useful!! Partial fasting is still fasting so congratulations to you! Keep if up and keep listening to your body - you are worth providing it what it truly wants.
