Thursday, May 2, 2013

INTEGRITY: You're Either IN or OUT. So, where are you?

A friend (Ashley Mui) and I decided to take ourselves on in one of the most confronting ways. April 16, 2013 marked day 1 of our 60-day "Integrity Experiment." Read on for more information, send us pictures and join in on the conversation. 

Excerpt From Our Blog "Signed, Integrity":

We are SOOOOO out. Trying to get back In.
This is a 60 day experiment. An experiment exploring our lives - all the spaces that are in and out of integrity. For transparency sake, we will begin with our lives (we are cringing just thinking about this). Taking a close look at all the places we are personally out of integrity - home, finances, relationships, family, health & wellness, damn near everything under the sun. But we will also acknowledge all that is working and give thanks to what is in integrity. We are clear that in order to transform the way people relate to integrity, it requires a level of introspection, which is why we puttin’ ourselves on blast. And only then we can see what is happening out there in the world. As we start to hold ourselves accountable, we can then begin to hold other people, spaces, and communities accountable and active in pursuit of the change they wish to see.

Our commitment is to call ourselves out, inserting humor, gratitude, and self-love through out this integral process. We are really really really committed to getting back IN, in a way we have never ever experienced before.

Visit our page to find out more and to follow our Shenanigans: Click on the "Participate" tab on the page to find out how YOU can join us! are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want!

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