Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When Prioritizing Goes sooooo Wrong

A few weeks ago, Let’s Pursue You was leading a Self-Love Home Invasion for a group of 8 sister-friends.

They were “going in” as we performed self-love surgery (not real surgery of course) and they were digging deeper and deeper until they started to discover their real truths about self-love. They started to see that while they had their ideal vision of how they wanted to embody and practice self-love, what they allowed to run the show were all of their reasons, justifications and negative chatter that talked them out of doing the things that actually restored them, made them happy and filled them up.

Some have even stopped allowing themselves to dream because what’s the point, and others have allowed concerns, self-doubt, money and other reasons that you can probably relate to, get in the way of them having a life they love.

I am clear that there are a lot of us that are walking around, allowing “other priorities” to get in the way of us having the life that we love. But I want you know that we DESERVE to have the life that we love. We are WORTHY of having the life that we love.

If we truly grasped how amazing we are, we would see this. We would honor this. We would give ourselves PERMISSION to ONLY LIVE A LIFE THAT WE LOVE.

Is there something that you really want to do, or that you really want to create, or that you really want to have, but you have allowed other things to get in the way?

What is that thing?

Are you sick of putting it off?
Are you ready to live YOUR life?
Are you ready to shift some things?
Are you ready for something new?
Are you ready to live a life that you LOVE?

What are you waiting for?

Let me guess, only after that other thing is taken care of, can you really do what you want to right?

OK. No worries. It’s all a choice, just remember that you have everything to say about what you do now, what you do next and what you do later. YOU get to prioritize your life, no one else.

With a lil’ dose of self-love, you will begin to see what I see so clearly – that you are WORTHY of having the life you love. We all are.

So, if you were loving yourself to the fullest right now, what would you do? What would you actually be prioritizing right now and what would you boldly let go of?

In Love,
Akua Soadwa

P.S. Don’t think you have to do this alone. I am here. I have always been here. Let’s talk about how I can support you! And if you participate in the "I Matter Coaching Program" before August 2013, there is an early bird rate so DO get in action and don’t delay….you and I both know what happens when you delay! (I’m just saying). Click here to schedule a time to speak!

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